Section 1.5 Talks
Subsection 1.5.1 Upcoming Talks
(no upcoming talks)
Subsection 1.5.2 Past Talks
Introduction to Chabauty-Kim Methods on S-unit Equations.
- 2 Aug 2024, 14:30-15:00, TCC room Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
Tannakian Category, Unipotent Completion, and de Rham Fundamental Group.
- 1 Dec 2023, 10:45-11:15, ICMS
- It’s an Examples Showcase in GlaMS.
Euler’s Totient Theorem and the Prime Number Theorem (with Ella Yu).
- 16 Feb 2023, 16:00-17:00, Zoom/Huxley 410, Imperial College